Long Beach/Venezia Friendship City

Long Beach/Venezia Friendship City
Long Beach is an official twinned City to Venezia, Italy.
The similarities are quite striking, sharing so much regarding education, waterfront, environmental concerns and of course…..GONDOLAS.
Here at the Gondola Getaway we have the largest and most unique fleet of Venetian craft in the World, outside of course, Venezia itself. We have sent a delegation to Venezia for the past 34 years to row, eat and immerse ourselves in the Venetian culture. We meet with City officials to share our similar concerns with our waterfront and celebrate our relationship of working with and educating our two joined Cities. It is through these excursions to and experiences in Venezia that help create the heart and soul of the Gondola Getaway. Not a copy of the Gondola culture, but an extension of the 1,000 year old traditions we emulate here in the canals and waterways of the Naples Islands.
Our mission:
The promotion of the similarities of Venezia and Long Beach in regards to Culture, Green Port, Tourism, and Environmental Education. These two Cities are connected in more ways than most can imagine. We have already begun an environmental educational exchange program between our two Universities on opposite sides of the World. A big part will be the study of the port Cities of Venezia and Long beach.
Current project: We are importing 4 Venetian boats to create a Venetian Rowing Club here in Long Beach that will be part of the Sister City program. It will be designed to promote the ancient art of “Voga Veneta” Venetian rowing. We will host Local, National and International Regattas to help promote the Long Beach Waterfront and its ports. We are also seeking Shipping company “Sponsors” to help build this project. One of the costs is storage of equipment that is being shipped over. We have landed a storage area and now in need of a
20 ft. container. 20 ft is the max that we have room for. Any assistance from the Port and the shipping industry will be very helpful. We can promise good promotional work for whomever can assist in this project.
Michael “Otolini” O’Toole