Why us? Perchè noi?

Michael O'Toole - Founder
The Gondola Getaway was founded back in 1982 under the concept of bringing the old world charm of the “Gondola” back into the canals of Naples Islands. Gondolas were first introduced into the area back in 1903 when the Islands were developed into a Venetian style neighborhood replete with grand canals and romantic bridges. Over the past 35+ years, the Gondola Getaway has strived to bring authenticity and a high level of service its 100’s of Thousands of guests. To help facilitate the authenticity, we train a team to take to Venezia each year to row and race with the Venetians. We are the only American team to do so for the past 33 years. Our gondoliers bring back with them stories and experiences that they are able to add to the soul of the Gondola Getaway. We have learned rowing techniques and imported unique Venetian craft that only exists here in Alamitos bay, Long Beach. Speaking of the Bay, our waterways may be the Gondola Getaway’s great asset. The beauty and calmness of our bay, the enchanting meandering canals of the Rivo Alto and Napoli affords the opportunity to pass ‘neath bridge after bridge while being rowed by an expertly trained Gondolier. As you travel past the Accademia, to the Ravenna, to the Toledo and the Neapolitan East and then the famous “Treasure Island” bridge, you will notice Islands bridges are the stiches that connect the fabric of this unique Island community of unique waterfront homes and their environs. What makes our customers keep coming back for more? We believe the personalities of our unique Gondoliers, our exotic fleet of Venetian craft, our years of sojourns back to the birthplace of the Gondola and our unrivaled meandering enchanting canals and waters of Alamitos bay and Naples Islands. Come experience the magic that comes with 36+ years of experience and dedication. For the “Ultimo” Gondola experience, simply call The Gondola Getaway! Our Gondoliers await.